The Gilbert American Flyer HO Index

1946 logo1.jpg (35377 bytes)

Gilbert HO Label 1961 logo1.jpg (51310 bytes)

A Guide to A.C. Gilbert HO Trains and
Catalogs from 1938 to 1963

More Catalog Art

1956 Catalog Cover 1957 Catalog Cover 1958 Catalog Cover


Illustrations from Gilbert Catalog pages courtesy of

Links to specific HO items in catalogs at

Photos of selected items from the collections of many Gilbert HO Collectors

Short articles on the production of various items including variations and unusual items

Sections on imitations and reproductions of Gilbert American Flyer HO products

Many thanks to all the knowledgeable collectors whose contributions have made this website possible

All items on this website are identified according to the best of our knowledge and belief.
Please let us know if you believe there are errors

Visit the American Flyer Displays Website

All catalog images are from my personal collection or and are the property of Dale Smith or Chuck Harrington and the individuals who contributed those images to his website.
All photographs are the property of the individuals who took the photos.